So today is ground zero, the day before the storm, the day when all hell is going to break loose. So we had to prepare the auger on his journey. The best way to do that was go for a nice grocery run. Knowing all the local hot spots for foods i took the auger on a shopping adventure. We started by hopping into the big truck. We took a nice trip on down to the mckinons meat market. where we found perdue chicken on sale at 1.99 a pound. fully cleaned chicken breasts for 1.99 thats a deal . we also found a 4 pound slab steak . they call the flinstone steak, its 4 pounds of sirloin cut into one huge long piece straight off the cow. it was only 17.99 .. total 27.27 spent on meat for the week. next we took a little stop into stop and shop. pardon the pun!
So when your a not so familiar with shopping you need an expert like my self. The auger was walking around the store aimlessly looking for things in which he did not know what to do with.
he was constantly mumbling about some wheat bread and some other types of foods , that i definitely did not put on the list.
i decided to just do all the shopping for him grabbing things and placing them into the cart. i would notice the auger would keep organizing things as i placed them in the cart.
now yesterday the auger had come into the gym scared that he would be spending over 150.00 dollars a week on food, in which he could not afford. he was pacing back and forth saying he could not do the diet, this was all going to be a waste. and then i pretty much told him to shut the hell up, what the hell was he so worried about . it was going to be under 100 bucks a week on food.
when we went down the list his total grocery purchase was 86.50 thats inlcuding the 27.27 it was 59.29 at stop and shop. so we round that to about 86.50 and he will have some extra food left over. this is an ample amount of food at a very low cost.
the auger was very excited after his shopping experience that when we left the store he forgot you need to watch where to push the cart... i guess the cart lost control and started rolling down hill.
he then had to chase after and catch it!!! which he did luckily ..
all and all it was a great shopping experience , and the auger is now ready for day one !!!! tomorrow .. will be the start of the new auger under my teachings, diet, and training. then we can all see how well the auger can do!!!
tune in tomorrow for your next dose of the auger and share this with your friends .!!!
thanks pauly des