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Saturday, January 23, 2016

kali muscle was right !! The male species is in jepordy. AND LOW T

kali muscle was exactly right when he said all you kids don't have to read any more ....all you got to do is turn on youtube and watch his videos, well that is some what true, but I enjoy reading, its a place you can find your self and read in your own voice instead of hearing it from someone else. I guess I am old school and probably why some people don't listen to people. lets talk about what the hell he is saying. first off to live in la las angelas is mad expensive so get that strait. the guy buy any means is not rich. but he has lived a tough life and is finally making some money for himself. here is what he is giving you and this is from me watching his videos. he is giving you some honest opinions, that are generally the correct ones. he's not bullshitting you when he says you need to eat good food, he's not bullshitting you when he says don't eat processed meat . your just not understanding what he is saying. processed meats are mcdonalds, burgerking, taco bell, these are fast food chains. they take some beef or meet, they season it with all kinds of chemicals, such as salts or types of salts that are not good for you. why are they not good, let me explain , sodium is a mineral that's found in generally all things. you need it to sustain life. but super sodiam compounds have been created that are so strong that they are super sodium, kind of like a steroided out salt. these are one kind of food additive ...these are put in those fast foods. including pizza from big chains, and also cheese, and your favorite soda. even the ones kali muscle is drinking contain those sodiums. which he may or may not know. any ways lets move on g. these are what you want to avoid, if your already over weight then guess what you need to avoid these at all costs. ok here is what your missing even if you make your own food. a lot of canned ingredients contain these preservatives also. that's why If your food other then tuna is coming from a can your going to be in big trouble. if your eating raman noodles for lunch, your in big trouble. these sodiums bind and stay in your system till you either shit them out or sweat them out. and yes they do cause headaches, high blood preassure which can lead to stroke or heart attack and other horrible organ diseases. I quote tom brady to say this "soda is poison". you don't see him in any commercials for fast food now do you . then as I have talked a million times you have the soy that's involved. In the pussifacation of the male specimen soy has been used to calm down the masculinity of society. to try and make America a bunch of panzy pussies, who cant get an erection, and read womans magazines. you wonder why woman have become so much stronger in the past decade. 3 major things have happened, 1. crossfit in helping woman actually lift weights. 2. soy in all the food, making woman have a higher estrogen level and greater risk for cancer. 3. birth control 80% of teenage girls are using birth control today, and men get shit on for using steroids. birth control is female steroids, and on top of that all the estrogen soy in food, is making todays woman into men. take the average woman today and compare her to 1980 that's 36 years ago, definetly not long enough for even adaptation, or those who believe in Darwinism to take any type of change. your talking a hormonal change. I remember in the early 1990s they said all the vitamins in foods were helping people grow. If by vitamins you mean hormones then yes they are. The sad facts is we have too many sinics and not enough people who actually want to live a better life. If you think this isn't going to be a problem for the future think again. The male population has declined steadily in the past 10 years. a 1% change is a huge change in the human population. These are facts, If we do not strengthen our selves and stop the destruction of the natural world, we wont have any thing left to fight for. Take a look at the male hormone testosterone. We have a epidemic of men with low t levels at earlier ages every year. What is the key factor to blame for this? Is it soy? Is it air pollution, Is it climate change? It is most likely all of the above plus some other key factors. The water we drink has been over treated with a tooth strengthening mineral called fluoride. fluoride was used by the Nazzis during world war 2. In large doses it has a calming effect on the human brain. They called it crowd control. Most people don't know is that fluoride has been added to almost all drinking water, mainly tap in the usa. These factors all have taken a toll on the male hormone testosterone. Fat, being overweight, and stress also take a toll on hormone production. These are also making a mark on why low t is such a bad thing. here are they keys men. 1. loose some fat, right away no matter what It takes. you will thank me later. 2. keep your stress levels at a minimum or as best you can. 3. sleep 8 hours a night I know its hard but if you do it, your body makes test when your asleep and hgh which help repair your cells. 4. avoid processed foods, and fast foods. Its never a good idea. starve instead of eating them. drink some water to fill your belly. This food isn't food at all its poison. Once your realize this you can understand why I say starve instead. 5. Do not and I repeat Do not eat food with soy in it or any soy products. 6. lift weights for no more then 90 min. never do crossfit type of training unless your only doing it for 45 min or less. crossfit is short for cross training. its a old type of training program for athletes. when you fully understand that, then you can understand what it is. some guys just gave it a catchy name. overtraining leads to low t. 7. Do not and I repeat do not take test boosters that did not come from a specialist. most people don't know crap about supplements talk to someone who does like my self. taking some may actually lower your test levels. 8. Do not eat refined or processed sugar. All hormones are related in some way unless you have a unique case like my self. insulin and testosterone go hand and hand. processed sugar leads to diabetes which can become a fatal disease. 9.Always look at the back of food ingredients, if the sodium is over 300 don't eat it. 10. My final rule and this is just as important as number 1. Always wash your hands and foods before you cook. always wash your fruits off before you eat them. pesticides are one of the new found causes of low t. BASICALLY I AM ONLY GIVING YOU THE LAY OUT, WE NEED TO GO MORE INDEPTH ON THE MATTER IN THE NEXT FEW WEEKS PLEASE FOLLOW AND POST COMMENTS SO I CAN ANSWER WHAT YOU NEED TO BE CLARIFIED.

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