The return of Big louie Pep. My old training partner came into the gym on a surprise visit today. we had trained are whole lives together. i think from the age of 17-25 we trained almost every single day together. Big lou and I are from the same town in italy we are descendents of the etruscans. Original Italians who were known as barbarians. Fondi is tiny. the funny thing is our parents settled in the same town in massachusetts. people call that fate, some call it conincedence, when you get older you learn there is no such thing as conencidence. to become a great lifter you need someone to constnatly push you, to motivate you to get stronger and bigger. This is why the two of us constantly grew, and constantly got strong. we would outlift everyone in any gym we would walk into. the funny thing is we were only 20-21 years old when we were doing this. We were known for picking up peoples cars and putting them down. Shit you see in comic books. But in real life. Big lou came in to do deadlifts and front squats. i can remember when lou did his first deadlift back in 1999, thats when you had to lock your stuff up. ok usa it was time to jean claud van damn this next set. Big lou was ready he was going to do a 700 pound deadlift for a double and he was going to do it today at Gym warriors. With Pauly des snapping the pics. i wish we had people following us around with video cameras. Big lou did it, take a look
notice no wraps and full extension of the back. This is a great lift. this is what lifting is all about, its about training, picking up stuff that no one else can and doing it with enthusiasm and then you can joke around after the lift is done. We always joke around in the gym its what keeps you sane. how can you pick up 6-7.800 pounds and not be a little crazy. you gotta have fun not think about the weights being heavy, and just have fun. every day is a new challenge, even if your only lifting 30 pounds its all about getting to 35 , 40,45, ect you want to progress. if you dont want to progress in your lifting then you should really take up another sport. doing the same lifts every day gets boring, its redundant, and it really doesn't make lifting fun. Goals you need to set obtainable goals. lou won his pro card in strongman he didnt say im going to compete 1 time and win, no thats not what he did it all started with weights, 1 plate at a time, 1 rep at a time. then he competed. won a little show qualified for nationals. and then Gym warriors sponsored him for his pro card in which he won. But you need to start off small one small goal at a time. Big lou and I had a great time in the gym. you gotta love chalk on the ears!
So today was the First leg work out for the Auger. He walked into the gym while i was training someone, today i trained 3 girls before 1 pm. the auger had walked in about 1:20 while i was training jauclin. He walked over to me and was in need of a energy drink. this is not normal behavior for the auger but today he was a bit tired. So i gave him one of the the new Gat energy packs that i had mike try last week. Auger didnt really get any thing from it. He needed more, so he asked me for a NItric Force. The nitric force from abb has been a hot seller. Auger slammed the whole entire thing, i am surprised he didnt have a heart attack yet. But what can you do. so if you go back to the auger experiment day 3 i think we found that the augers best deadlift of all time was 460 for 5. We would see what he would get today on day 1.
the auger ended up hitting on the deadlift
so for the auger hit a 435 deadlift. This is 1 rep and 25 pounds off of his all time best not only that but he did 2 sets of it. i watched him do the 450 his form was not the greatest. he did almost a stiff leg deadlift on the first rep , his second rep was much better. he could have gotten 1 more but thats enough for week 1. i can see him finishing off with 500 for 5.
as for squats he needs to work on his depth and form . so i really wanted to see what kind of weights he would use and actually watch him train. Since we talked so much about squat in yesterdays blog i decided to hold back a little today. and wait for next week. you never know who the hell is going to walk into the gym or what the hell is going to happen.
The auger keeps telling me he looks more vascular every day he keeps saying this to me. have i noticed it yet... i really think he is! scary.
Todays blog is dedicated to Mike L you know who you are! my self.
Pauly Des
p.s. i have a question for the guys do you guys like fish sticks?
ReplyDeleteThis is a great blog, a great story in this post. It is a very important thing to have people that can push you to get BIGGER in the gym, it is always good to remember to have fun lifting. Keep up the great work dude!