today is day one of the experiment. and a very nice day at that. the weather is about 68 degrees blue skies. So i decided i would go out side and spend some time with my nephew before i would get to the gym and start the auger. as i walked out side i noticed that there were a lot of dogs barking in and around my home, so i grabbed my camera and decided to take a look. my nephew grabbed me and told me that we needed to play. so i stopped in my tracks grabbed the bat and he began to pitch to me. i started hitting the balls gently back in and around him as he threw. and then i smashed a ball over the fence. my nephew ran after it, and thats when i heard a rustling in the bushes. i grabbed my camera and ran to see what was all the commotion. as we approached the sasquatch we noticed him steadily looking around i started snapping pictures off. i was nearly killed before the big day. we ran back to the home and started playing with baseballs again. here is one of those pictures.
this is day one of the auger experience prepare for the auger. The auger was still experiencing a lot of problems from yesterdays shopping. I think that the bruins win and me deciding not to write his shoulder and arms workouts yet were stressing him out. so i decided that i may play a few tricks on the auger today and see what his reactions would be. first off the auger needed to get ready as if he was going to war. so he had to wear his work boots. put your boots on and prepare for battle. auger has been showing every one his new boots that he got. they are some kind of special forces boot. they only weight about 12 ounces. the problem is he is so busy showing them to every one he's been walking around the locker room with only one shoe on. so trick number 1 i will pull on him today is to tell him that i am not going to write the shoulders and arms and i will photograph his reaction. 2ndly the auger is supposed to be here at 6, and its 5 48. so i am not sure if i will have to end this here and keep you waiting. till tomorrow.
just as i was about to publish the blog the auger arrived! he explained to me that he had already taken 4 shits this morning, the 4 shits were not diarreah, but more solid good shits meaning that his system is being cleaned up. he felt so good that after he finished the work out , later on in the day he actually wanted to come back to the gym and work out. the work out aspect today was chest, and the work out felt great. the auger stopped with 225 pound on the incline for 6 clean paused reps. every rep was slow and controlled. good contraction and squeeze on every repetition. actually felt the best pump he has ever felt on the dips. he had not felt any thing like this in a long time. hes a little sore. but other than that he felt like his body is growing. the best part is the work out is right infront of him it made him feel a little better. Because when you have a battle plan your ready to attack. The auger felt so pumped up he ran back to stop and shop and we took this pic!!!!
so far day 1 was a success
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