Todays auger experiment takes us looking to tomorrow. First off bin laden has been killed and its just the same its a new day and we are looking towards tomorrow. Now cutting off the head of a snake sometimes that snake grows a new head or 2 heads. But at least mission one has been accomplished. Tomorrow will be the Augers first real leg work out in the experiment. It will be the first true test of grit for the auger. He exclaimed to me that he may bring a bucket just in case he pukes. I told him it was a good idea, but it is not necessary to puke to have a good leg work out. More or less its a good leg work out when you feel as if you are going to hurl, or pass out. This means your intensity and weights were very effective. people ask why do they get so sick from the squat. the number 1 reason is central nervous system stimuli. the squat is literally a dangerous but i would say most important exercise. The squat takes you into the realms of fight or flight. i want you to think about this. your literally putting weights on your back directly over the spine. This puts direct pressure on the spine. And in turn it creates a response of absolute exhaustion. What you also don't realize is when you perform the squat your using the whole trunk, which is all the stabilizer muscles in the abdominals. this also is why some people get the roid gut. From holding your breath while doing squats. The squat is definitely the most misunderstood lift of all the lifts. people don't do them because they are hard! not only is the free squat the hardest exercise, but its also the most misused exercise . when i say misused i mean in form. first of all the parallel squat is a good way to train your squat to stay healthy. in powerlifting we learn to hit below parallel. in bodybuilding, most bodybuilders will go to or below parallel. what i see in gyms i wouldn't even call a half squat. it all starts in high school, football coaches teaching kids improper form, and passing that knowledge on and on and on . its like going down a ladder . inconsistent information causes for improper form. So i started doing some research on the web just to give you an idea of how many idiots out there are teaching people the wrong way to squat! ( this video here explains to me why so many morons have no clue how to squat. Rule number 1 !!! you never ever ever look down!!!!!!!!! you never move the neck or head during a squat. Just ask Chris Cormier about that. looking down while squatting is probably the worst advice you can give someone. notice the kid in the video performing the squat correctly when he looks strait. the best way to squat is to keep the head fixed in a strait position.
Have you ever seen Ed Coan looking strait down during a squat! hell no. so in my research i started looking for more idiots talking about squats. moron video number 2 ( ) this video calls itself perfect squat. Though some of this video has merit, i find 3 major problems with the video. 1 the subject is wearing running sneakers, which push you on your toes, and put pressure on the knee. If he had known any thing about squatting he would know you need flat sole shoes. next the squats this kid is performing are not parallel because you do not judge by the knee and hamstring, you judge by the hip. this is the most important and most frustrating part of competitive powerlifting. is a judge that does not know the rules, and people thinking they are squatting below parallel when they are not even at parallel. Videos such as these are why people can not trust information on the web, and free information. Hence why personal trainers, and sports experts like me are needed. This is also why kids waste their time in the gym and with supplements that don't work. Very few supplements are good, and vitamins are only good if you know how to properly use them. Training, and Diet are the most important things if you want to get in shape. With out them your really just wasting your time. This is the whole reason why i have started writing, and teaching people, its the reason why i train people. ANd i can admit that when i was younger i didn't train with good form at times, and it was in those times that i really didn't gain any thing. in retrospect i now know why that happened. Form, training, diet they all go together like a puzzle. This is why the Auger came to me for his diet, work out, and supplement plan.
go to the bottom of the page and vote on the next pictures that we will post of the auger!
p.s. joe pimental im not stew!!!!
pauly des
Put some pants on. Mother of pearl.